Meet Our Team

Co-Founder | President
Seleem Badawy is a Grade 12 full french IB diploma student at Western Canada High School in Calgary, Canada. He co-founded Project SciCorp to promote entrepreneurial skills and innovative thinking in STEM among youth.
Seleem was involved with teams at the University of Calgary through various research opportunities in STEM, such as with a biomedical engineering group, the High School Youth Researcher Summer (HYRS) program and the STEM Fellowship Research Exploration Opportunity, where he saw the value of being introduced to entrepreneurial thinking and innovation early on. Seleem decided to startup this non-profit organization serving as the President of Project SciCorp to bring enriching, enjoyable, and educational experiences for youth across North America to develop these invaluable skills.
When not doing research or studying, Seleem is found teaching biomedical careers as a Senior Executive in Western MedClub, avidly debating or teaching debate as a Senior Bilingual Executive in the Western Debate Club, playing alto saxophone, volunteering, or baking.

May 28
Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.
Co-Founder | Vice President
A passionate scientific and technological thinker, Parthiv is a grade 12 student attending Western Canada High School. Highly intrigued by the various fields of science, particularly biology and chemistry, he partakes in a number of activities in and out of school; from biomedical research to competing in science olympiads. Recognizing the disparity that youth currently face against conducting their own research, Parthiv co-founded Project SciCorp with a conviction to bridge this gap. He’s also a passionate public speaker who avidly engages in his school’s Model United Nations Team. Academics aside, Parthiv enjoys volunteering at the local Children’s Hospital and empowering students to bring out their innovative and entrepreneurial mindsets. When he’s not being a complete nerd, he enjoys playing basketball and travelling around the world, experiencing new cultures and worldviews.
As the vice president for this year’s conference, Parthiv is looking forward to working with the rest of the team to help the conference run smoothly and successfully. While he was looking forward to the free food at the in-person conference, he is excited to bring students from across Canada together virtually to help cultivate a stronger youth research demographic!

May 28
Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.
Executive Officer
Hello! My name is Ghuntas and I am a grade 12 IB program student in Edmonton, Alberta. In addition to Project SciCorp, I am an advocate for mental health and addictions in both my school and local community. In particular, I am working towards raising awareness in the South Asian community as executive member of NASHAA, a non-profit organization. Through this position and my position as president of my school’s mental health awareness group, I am striving towards informing the school board system of the importance of Naloxone education. This innovation and many others in the science field, is what is changing the addictions field into one of science and not social prejudice. My other initiatives include competing in debate, volunteering at research facilities and working in an addictions medical clinic. With your help and initiative, I hope to allow for others to receive similar opportunities in the STEM field in order to stimulate innovation within my generation.
Heading 6

May 28
Cheesecake, figs, and pinot noir.
Executive Officer
Nika Imamberdieva is a junior attending Staten Island Technical High school in New York City. She is very captivated by everything surrounding physics with an interest in learning more about how it can be applied to real-world scenarios in medicine and engineering.
In her educational experience thus far, Nika has involved herself in various extracurricular activities that revolve around the scientific world. In pursuit of her passion for physics and engineering, Nika had joined the Science Olympiad team at her school and has also taken elective courses such as AP Physics 1&2, Intro to Robotics and Engineering, and Computer Science. These experiences allowed her to develop her skills in physics, technology, coding, web development and design, programming robots, and the fundamentals of engineering.
In addition to school activities, Nika worked summer jobs and internships that have helped her forward her knowledge in science. Summer after freshman year, Nika worked as a counselor for a STEM camp where she helped younger students engage in robotics and taught them how to use technology for real-world applications. Summer after her sophomore year, Nika participated in a medical internship where her designated group conducted a study on the effects of Covid-19 on mental health by creating a survey and writing a research paper that discussed the findings. Nika is also a part of two programs in the New York Academy of Sciences (1000 Girls, 1000 Futures and The Junior Academy) where she and a group of other students are given challenges that they must find solutions to through STEM.
Nika is looking forward to being a part of the Project SciCorp team and getting to see what all the competitors are able to come up with. She has never shied away from an opportunity to learn, and this one is definitely unlike any other, but it makes it all the more exciting.