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Q: “If I am not from one of the locations listed (Calgary, Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, or New York) can I still participate in any Project SciCorp initiatives?”
A: Yes! One good thing to come from moving our initiative online due to COVID-19 is that anyone from anywhere is more than welcomed to join.
Q: “Is there any way to get involved in a leadership role?”
A: Yes! We will open executive member applications in the summer/early fall following our first ever conference. If you would like to become an ambassador, we will have applications opening in late next year as well.
Q: “What will any conferences or webinars be held over?”
A: The official conference and presentations day will be hosted on Zoom.
Q: “Is there an age requirement to participate in any Project SciCorp initiatives?”
A: Project SciCorp is aimed at any age from junior high/middle school to high school!
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